Jen Long Consulting Bio.jpg

Hi, I’m Jen
My intent in consulting and teaching is to set you free to create in more effective, supported and joyous ways. 
After a decade in the world of SF Bay Area start-ups, I’ve learned to pair tender visions and ideas with the systems, processes and advice that matters most to new and growing enterprises. 
I’ve held product and business development roles at (a Linkedin for the restaurant industry, backed by TPG), co-founded Garden Tribe (gardening education & inspiration, acquired by & advised for Garden Answers (a photo recognition app acquired by Gardens Alive). 

I have an MBA from UC Davis Graduate School of Management, and graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in European Studies from UCLA.

Photograph by Jennifer Whitney

Me, lately…


A Bay Area native, these days I’m living in Hawaii. I look forward to each of my visits to my other spirit homes of Southern California and Italy.

A few of the great joys of my life: venturing by land and sea with my dog Moku, spending time in my spiritual practice, and visiting gardens and sacred sites.

I’d be happy to meet you!


Have questions? You are welcome to schedule a meet & greet to see if working together is right for you. Just fill out this form, and I’ll be in touch.


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